Sunday, August 30, 2009

US Army Corps - Neil Bass

Neil Bass is an Environmental Resources Planner with the Kansas City District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Learn how the Corps is reconstructing lost habitats along the Missouri River in Kansas and Missouri, and what exactly they're doing to achieve this goal. Listen to the podcast.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

KCMO's Water Laboratory - Lorene Lindsay

Listen to Lorene Lindsay of Kansas City's Water Services laboratory give us an audio tour of the high-tech facility on the grounds of the Kansas City water plant on North Oak. Lorene and Deb explained some of the testing methods that some of us see every week on CSI. Listen to the podcast.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Jason Wright, P.E. - Cistern capacity optimization

Jason Wright, P.E. shared his research on cistern (and rain barrel) use optimization. Deb also walked the audience through some residential runoff calculations and how even small reductions in storm runoff can benefit our storm water systems. Listen to the podcast.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Extraterrestrial water - Prof. Dan McIntosh

Prof. Dan McIntosh talked about how water (liquid, ice, vapor) is detected in space, where it's been found, and why extraterrestrial water is important. He is also the director of UMKC's Warkoczewski Observatory. Listen to the podcast.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lake Lenexa Dam Spillway - Joel Marquardt

Joel Marquardt of Gastinger Walker Hardin Architects was one of the architects who designed the award-winning, and very interesting, Lake Lenexa Dam and Spillway. Joel shared the artistic interpretation of the various elements of the spillway and the history of the design.
The spillway has won design awards from the American Concrete Institute (Technical Innovations Award, 2006), the American City and County Crown Community Award for Black Hoof Park in 2006, the American Public Works Association (Kansas City Chapter 2007 Project of the Year), 2007 Kansas Engineering Excellence Award (with Black & Veatch), the American Council of Engineering Companies, the National League of Cities (Gold Winner for the Rain to Recreation program in 2007), and 2009 Project of the Year from the US Society of Dams. Listen to the podcast.