Sunday, August 29, 2010

Stowers Institute Construction

Mike Schaadt, AIA, LEED, one of the principals at PGAV, talked about how the old Menorah Hospital (Troost Avenue and Volker Boulevard) was transformed into the Stowers Institute for Biomedical Research. The site was challenged by the slope and close proximity to Brush Creek and two significant streets. Mike shared the importance of retaining the character of the historic hospital structure. Listen to the podcast.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Report from the 2010 Ecofest

Notice the water drop on my hat (I couldn't compete with the guy in the turtle suit!). Questions in the EcoFest passport:
  1. Which water quality test measures the clarity of water?
  2. Why save the rain?
  3. What is an aquifer?
  4. Public water supplies create 180 gallons of water per day, per person. What percentage of this water is for drinking by people?
  5. How much rain water do you get from 1 square foot of roof during a 1 inch rain?
  6. What items make for a bad environment and how can we make it better?
  7. What are two important water quality measures?
  8. Of the 62,000 chemical used in products in our homes, how many are tested by the FDA?
  9. What is a watershed?
  10. What is one of the causes of stream bank erosion?
  11. What do ducks, geese, beaver, mink and muskrat have in common?
  12. Name two items that can be recycled.
  13. Name two renewable energy sources.
  14. How much new water is created each year?
  15. What is the difference between a sanitary sewer and a storm sewer?
  16. Which City (Independence, MO) parks allow public fishing?
  17. Rain gardens can absorb what percent more water than the same size lawn?
Listen to the podcast.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Combat water logistics

US Army Reserve Col. Garth Anderson and US Army Corps of Engineers Major Jeff Schulz joined the show and explained just how we get drinking water to our soldiers in the desert theatres of operation. Both of the guests have served in Afghanistan and/or Iraq. We heard about the wells at the Kandahar base, and the personal water needs and supplies for soldiers. Listen to the podcast.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Brownfields restoration - Andy Bracker

Andy Bracker, Esq., from the City of Kansas City, MO Planning and Development Department, explained to the audience brownfields' differences from SuperFund sites, and about the efforts and successes in the Kansas City area. See the before picture of the site to the left. Listen to the podcast.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Engineering and Kansas City - Jack Cashill

Jack Cashill, Ph.D. and Executive Editor of Ingram's Magazine helped Dr. Deb launch the new BUILDING KANSAS CITY show! Jack gave some history of consulting engineering in Kansas City, and discussed Norman Rockwell's painting "Spirit of Kansas City." Listen to a great Kansas City icon (Jack) talk about our great city. Listen to the podcast.